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Least stack of ressources for ressource balancer?

PostPosted: 20 May 2014, 16:53
by jonas
Yeah, the ressource balancer is acting very botlike. Sending around tons of small amounts of ressources.
How about you could check mark "Least amount of ressources to send: <amount> <ressource>" or "send ressources when <amount> <ressource> is available"
My point is, an option to be able to decide how much ressources will be send at a time. :-)

Re: Least stack of ressources for ressource balancer?

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2014, 20:39
by hex4bot
i got it, current <amount> is set to 1k which is capacity of one merchant - i can add such option, and you will be able set other values there, lets say 3k, so the smallest amount of wood/stone/iron will be 3k, but you will have to have at least 3 merchants,

it will not send 1k wood, 1k stone, 1k iron - it is in total 3k

it will send 3k of any resource, eg 3k wood, 3k stone, 3k iron - 9k total

well this settings will change multiplicity of 1k resources to whatever number you will like

Re: Least stack of ressources for ressource balancer?

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2014, 13:31
by jonas
Seems to it, that you got the point of my idea.

Ofcourse 1k = 1 merchant, so a "send at least 20 merchants carrying <ressource>" option would do the same.

The balancer is awesome, bot it's so bot like in its behaviour atm.